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Bande di Bollinger sono curve di volatilità utilizzati per identificare massimi e minimi estremi in relazione al prezzo. Essi stabiliscono parametri di negoziazione, o bande, sopra e sotto la media mobile a un determinato numero di deviazioni standard da questa media mobile. Sia la lunghezza della media mobile e il numero di deviazioni standard può essere modificata per adattarsi al mercato. I commercianti in genere utilizzano le bande di Bollinger per determinare le zone di ipercomprato e ipervenduto, per confermare le divergenze tra i prezzi e gli altri s e di proiettare obiettivi di prezzo. Più ampia è la band su un grafico, maggiore è la volatilità del mercato più stretto delle bande, la volatilità di mercato meno. tocca la fascia superiore e la RSI non conferma il movimento verso l'alto (i. e. vi è divergenza tra gli indicatori), viene generato un segnale di vendita. Se l'indicatore conferma il movimento ascendente, nessun segnale di vendita è generato infatti, un segnale di acquisto può essere indicata. Se il prezzo tocca la banda inferiore e l'RSI non conferma il movimento verso il basso, un segnale di acquisto viene generato. Se l'indicatore conferma il movimento verso il basso, nessun segnale di acquisto viene generato infatti, un segnale di vendita può essere indicata. Bande di Bollinger anche aiutare a individuare i mercati di ipercomprato e ipervenduto. Quando i prezzi si avvicinano alla fascia superiore, il mercato sta diventando ipercomprato come i prezzi si muovono più vicino alla banda inferiore, il mercato sta diventando ipervenduto. risorse-forex Bollinger online bande bande-Bollinger tecniche Indicatore-forex strategie forex tr salire a bordo con Trading Opzioni ELITE: Iscriviti alla nostra newsletter per conoscere le opzioni, i sistemi di opzioni, strategie di opzione, le opzioni segnali servizi e conoscere le nostre scoperte opzioni di trading, scoperte e prodotti per aiutare a fare soldi nel commercio, ora. Get Instant Access Apprezziamo la vostra privacy e non avrebbe mai dello spam Così che cosa esattamente si deve fare su questo sito Innanzitutto Iscriviti alla newsletter perché la maggior parte della comunicazione avverrà attraverso là. Poi iniziano a studiare i nostri prodotti e servizi e il modo in cui aiutano a raggiungere il successo potenzialmente in fretta. Scegliere una soluzione trading di opzioni che sembra adattarsi meglio. Le nostre soluzioni di opzioni commerciali sono chiamati soluzioni perché sono stati ben pensato attraverso le nostre esperienze più di 30 anni di sviluppo di sistemi di trading cumulativamente. Contatta questo tutte le domande. E poi basta comprare uno. Inizia con tale sistema e imparare in fretta, la pratica e solo iniziare a fare trading. La chiave è quello di prendere l'abitudine di successo di uno dei nostri ottimi sistemi di trading opzioni. La vostra curva di valore del conto di trading sembrare qualcosa di simile Sì questo è una curva di equità molto bello (da uno dei nostri sistemi). Ma perché non chiedere una cosa del genere, qualcosa di simile perché non richiedono il livello di sistema e le prestazioni personali che possono marciare un account con metodo come questo. È necessario ottenere più esigente. La domanda ciò che si desidera e la domanda del vostro sé ciò che si vuole che tu faccia. 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TradeGreeks abbonati opzioni newsletter Ricevi: Expert Commento quotidiano approfondita analisi delle posizioni attuali LIBERO configurazione Autotrading prova gratuita e sconti speciali sul nostro commercio di fx GRATIS Mercato settimanale Snapshot avvisa opzioni di velocità delle prestazioni C'è un collega di lavoro che sembra sempre di avere l'ultimo scoop sulla qualcuno tutti coloro che, per qualche motivo inspiegabile, sembra sapere sempre i dettagli di cosa sta succedendo nella vita delle persone, dal supervisori divorzio vostre persone non è riuscito domanda di qualcuno di promozione che pretende molto sufficiente sapere tutte queste cose, ma che ha anche deriva grande piacere da loro condividere con chiunque voglia ascoltare Se youve risposto sì a una di queste domande, allora attenzione, perché sei di fronte ad un pettegolezzo ufficio dedicato. Che cosa è più, un pettegolezzo ha bisogno di un pubblico, in modo da youre che fare con una cultura ufficio che al tollera molto questo comportamento minima persone, ma probabilmente anche lui o lei incoraggia. È interessante notare che, tollerando e favorendo pettegolezzi sono in realtà reazioni umane naturali. Secondo Peggy Drexler, Ph. D. nel suo articolo di oggi Psicologia Why We Love al gossip, pettegolezzi è un modo per noi di legare con gli altri. Ma è anche un modo per isolare le persone il cui comportamento è visto come unsupportive della groupwhether o no questo è vero. Nel peggiore dei casi, il pettegolezzo può essere doloroso e creare un nell'ambiente di lavoro e di antagonismo e risentimento. Se siete seriamente di avere un ambiente di lavoro piacevole e vogliono ampliare la propria carriera, sei meglio consigliato di non parlare dei tuoi colleghi dietro la schiena. Utilizzare le seguenti strategie per affrontare i pettegolezzi in ufficio. Comprendere la differenza tra informazione e pettegolezzi valide. Un amichevole collaboratore è perfettamente all'interno del suo diritto di dare un po 'di background su othersso finché la sua professionalità. La nostra persona di marketing è non convenzionale ma brillante alcune delle sue campagne hanno anche premi vinti, si comunica con un intento diverso da quello, il nostro addetto al marketing Shes bene, certo, ma che fosse scadente se hanno lavorato 247 Tra te e me, lei non ha molto di una vita sociale. Stroncare sul nascere. Un pettegolezzo ufficio spesso costituisce la sua mente se sei o meno un pubblico ricettivo durante il primo incontro. Appena che cosa viene detto diventa poco professionale, semplicemente dire qualcosa di simile, mi dispiace interrompere, ma realmente non sentirsi a proprio agio a parlare di colleghi in questo modo. Cambiare argomento. Invece di lasciare che la conversazione continua in una vena pettegola, cambiare argomento torna questioni di lavoro o addirittura qualcosa di neutro come il tempo. Confrontarsi con persone cattive mettere in bocca. Nei qualcuno eventi diffondere pettegolezzi maligni, per esempio, che un collega è neanche bravo nel suo lavoro, digli o lei che la sua fino al vostro supervisore per giudicare le prestazioni colleghi. Inoltre, sottolineare il fatto che spettegolare potrebbe davvero male di qualcuno carriera, e richiedere cortesemente che lui o lei smettere di diffondere voci. Se voi stessi siete oggetto di gossip ufficio, sul posto di lavoro può diventare molto scomodo. Tuttavia, come sottolinea Chana R. Schoenberger nel suo articolo della BBC Capitale Quando ufficio pettegolezzo è su di te, la politica migliore è quella di affrontare la questione direttamente con chi è responsabile. Le seguenti strategie aiuteranno. Non essere antagonista. Se il gossip si sta diffondendo con dolo o no, essendo isnt antagonista in grado di migliorare la situazione. Invece, provare a utilizzare la diplomazia o anche l'umorismo per ottenere risultati strepitosi senza entrare in un argomento. Girare intorno. Nel articolo del Wall Street Journal Cosa fare quando si sono oggetto di Pettegolezzo, Sue Shellenbarger advises affrontare la questione seriamente e quindi di richiedere l'aiuto pettegolezzi. Si potrebbe dire qualcosa di simile, so quanto la gente si diverte a parlare con voi, in modo forse si potrebbe comunicare loro come le cose realmente sono. Ottenere i colleghi su un fianco. Se la persona rimane poco collaborativo, chiedere uno o due colleghi per sostenere voi da uno correggendo eventuali voci non confermate o chiedendo il gossip di smettere di parlare di te. Rivolgersi al supervisore. Se il gossip ufficio rifiuta semplicemente di fermarsi e la sua interessano la fruibilità del lavoro, è il momento di prendere un appuntamento con il supervisore e richiedere che lui o lei interviene. Pettegolezzo può essere doloroso e, quando sei il soggetto, compromettere seriamente la il benessere e le prestazioni. Mantenere le strategie di cui sopra in mente in modo che quando sei di fronte ad una pettegola collega, si sa come rispondere. In linea accademia di trading dei futures Vancouver primo magazzino indici di mercato contratto Stock comprendere i nomi di basi di borsa di vari paesi Dal momento che, a cinque stelle. Diventare magazzino posto un doppio restringere la. Giorni fa. Brokers Vancouver o Vancouver, questrade codice promozionale, dice notato previsioni per Academy trading online è stata fondata nel presente. Deal è scaduto il CareerBuilder. Giugno Academy Trading dal vittorioso. Giorni fa. Ore fa. Strategia stage lavori part-time Vancouver, Canada, Halifax. A. 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Ma quali sono i siti decenti libero o ragionevole grado consumatori per monitorare i tuoi investimenti che ho giocato con Marketwatch. Yahoo Finance. Wiki Invest 8212, ma dal momento che ho tutto sul TD (le nostre analisi sono altrove), non ho mai avuto una sensazione per i punti di forza e di debolezza di ciascuno di questi. Quindi, consente di considerare questo un thread aperto 8212 quali sono gli strumenti di gestione del portafoglio preferito Si prega di utilizzare i commenti per dimostrare la propria ignoranza, la mancanza di familiarità con i dati empirici e la mancanza di rispetto per la conoscenza scientifica. Assicurarsi di creare uomini di paglia e argomentare contro le cose che ho detto né né implicite. Se si potesse ripetere memes precedentemente screditate o portare la conversazione in irrilevante, off topic discussioni, sarebbe apprezzato. Infine, gentilmente rinunciare tutta la civiltà nel discorso. si è, dopo tutto, anonimi. Online forex investimenti monitoraggio del portafoglio 6 modi Forex Broker ingannare voi fare soldi attraverso il trading forex ha bisogno di 3 requisiti da soddisfare allo stesso tempo: La corretta situazione mentale servizio di intermediazione corretta Dobbiamo parlare di tutti questi 3 requisiti su base regolare. Concentrarsi solo sulle tecniche, o dando i segnali forex ogni volta che c'è un setup commercio doesnt voi un commerciante fare. Dovete imparare le tecniche e padroneggiare il sistema di trading. e allo stesso tempo è necessario costruire uno stato mentale e psicologico adeguato e stabile per te stesso. Inoltre, si hanno anche per conoscere i mediatori, il loro modo di lavorare e fare soldi. e il modo in cui può imbrogliare i loro clienti a fare più soldi. Come un commerciante al dettaglio, è necessario disporre di un account con un broker, altrimenti non sarà in grado di commercio. Molti operatori professionali, fondi speculativi. gestori di fondi, società di proprietary trading, e gli operatori istituzionali che hanno grandi capitali commerciali, il commercio attraverso le banche. Alcuni di loro hanno le proprie piattaforme su misura collegati ai fornitori di liquidità. Tuttavia, i commercianti al dettaglio alle prime armi che vogliono iniziare con un piccolo conto, devono registrarsi per un account con un broker, perché non possono permettersi di operare attraverso le banche, o avere la propria piattaforma. Se sei un commerciante al dettaglio che vuole aprire un conto dal vivo in futuro, o hai già aperto un conto live. si dovrebbe sapere come il broker fare soldi e come possono imbrogliare di fare più soldi. Prima di andare nei dettagli, devo chiarire una cosa: Ci sono così tanti commercianti che aprono un conto live prima di imparare a negoziare correttamente, e così perdono. Invece di trovare il problema e cercare di risolvere il problema, molti dei quali sono utilizzati per accusare il broker. E 'vero che molti broker imbrogliare i loro clienti, ma la maggior parte dei commercianti al dettaglio perdono a causa dei propri errori. non perché i mediatori fanno loro perdere. Un broker barare può causare i commercianti di perdere a perdere più e spazzare via i loro conti più veloce, ma un operatore professionale può facilmente scoprire che il broker è barare, in modo che si ritirerà i suoi soldi e chiudere i suoi conti al più presto possibile. Quindi, se si perde il denaro in un commercio dopo aver letto questo articolo, non lo pensa subito che il broker ha fatto si perde. Avrò un articolo separato sui modi in cui broker può fare soldi legalmente. In questo articolo, sto parlando i modi in cui i broker imbrogliare i loro clienti per fare soldi illegalmente. Al giorno d'oggi, i commercianti parlano di regolamento per tutto il tempo. Una società di intermediazione è regolamentata quando viene registrato con una organizzazione governativa che controlla le attività di società di intermediazione. Di solito ci sono anche qualcosa di simile assicurazione che copre la capitale commercianti se il broker registrato ottiene in bancarotta. Quando i commercianti scoprono che una società di intermediazione è regolata con un organizationsauthorities ben noti e potenti, pensano che siano sicuri e non possono essere truffati più, ma questo non è vero. Ho visto alcuni broker altamente regolamentati che ingannano i loro clienti più. Come ci sono sempre alcuni modi barare speciali, che non possono essere monitorati dalle autorità di regolamentazione. Brokers possono facilmente corrompere le autorità di regolamentazione e chiedere loro di essere più gentile con loro e chiudere gli occhi su alcuni eventi. Molte delle persone che lavorano nelle autorità di regolamentazione sono i intermediazione aziende proprietari, e quindi sanno come aggirare le regole Il mercato regolamentazione ha iniziato a surriscaldarsi poiché a pochi anni fa, e gli operatori poveri pensato che i governatori hanno finalmente deciso di sostenere loro contro gli intermediari truffa, ma si sbagliavano. Ci sono prove che tali regolamenti sono effetuate dai governatori che, direttamente o indirettamente proprie società di intermediazione e fanno milioni attraverso di loro. Hanno fatto le norme del regolamento per evitare che i commercianti di aprire conti con i broker off-shore, in modo che il denaro rimane nel proprio paese, e i commercianti diventano in dovere di aprire conti con i broker di proprietà dei governatori. Sono sicuro che si può intuire il resto della storia qualcuno Chi ha l'oro fa le regole la conclusione è che la regolamentazione doesnt significa necessariamente che il broker non può barare. doesnt pur non essendo regolato significa che il broker trucchi sicuramente. Per alcuni broker barare, il regolamento è solo uno strumento per attirare di più i commercianti di aprire conti. Vengono regolamentati e registrato perché devono, non perché sono onesti. Non sto dicendo che tutti i broker registeredregulated ingannare i loro clienti. Quello che sto dicendo è che dont fidarsi di un mediatore solo perché è regolamentato e registrato. Ci sono le mani sporche dietro questi tipi di apparentemente buone azioni (regolamento). Quando hanno scoperto che si potrebbe fare un sacco di soldi per le perdite di commercianti, hanno preso le azioni per (1) impedire che i fondi commercianti a lasciare il paese, e (2) rendono troppo difficile per i piccoli broker di diventare registrati e regolati , perché (1) hanno voluto tenere i soldi dei commercianti nel proprio paese, e (2) solo i propri broker diventano regolamentato, e operatori economici non possono aprire conti con gli altri broker. In effetti, hanno creato un imbuto per drenare i fondi per le proprie tasche. Tuttavia, le persone solo vedere la superficie e non sono a conoscenza di quello che sta succedendo dietro le quinte. Permettimi di farti una domanda. Più di 95 dei commercianti perdere denaro. Molti di loro spazzare via i loro conti almeno un paio di volte, prima di rinunciare a forex trading. Molti di loro perde un sacco di soldi. Ciò che questi cosiddetti regolamenti hanno fatto per queste persone niente. Ancora più del 95 del commerciante perdono. Quello che i governanti hanno fatto non si tratta di sostenere i commercianti. Si tratta di guidare i fondi verso la direzione che vogliono. Si potrebbe facilmente fare una regola che pretende molto consentire a coloro che non hanno superato alcuni corsi di formazione e nelle fasi di aprire conti live. Non si può guidare una macchina quando non avete una patente di guida. Si potrebbe fare lo stesso con avere un conto live troppo. Perché non lo fanno si conosce la risposta. Vogliono di aprire un conto live prima di imparare a scambi correttamente, e perdere i vostri soldi. Prima che i regolamenti, erano preoccupati di perdere i vostri soldi per le società di intermediazione all'estero, ma ora è ok se si perde, perché il denaro va a tasca propria ora. Ora, consente di parlare dei modi in cui i broker può imbrogliare per fare più soldi fuori dei vostri commerci. Prima di leggere il resto di questo post, vi consiglio di leggere un piccolo articolo già pubblicato sul FxKeys, per conoscere i due diversi tipi di broker, Market Maker e ECNSTP: broker Market Maker odiarmi quando si impara a conoscere il market maker e ECNSTP broker. si potrebbe pensare che sono solo i broker market maker che imbrogliano i commercianti. Questo non è vero. broker ECNSTP possono imbrogliare per fare più soldi. caccia di stop loss è un modo molto efficace che i broker market maker usano per fare i commercianti perdere soldi. Per ulteriori informazioni su questo metodo, si prega di leggere questo articolo: Stop Loss caccia da Forex Brokers Cosa fare broker ECNSTP deve solo trasferire gli ordini ai fornitori di liquidità (banche). Essi possono pagare solo una tassa fissa (commissione) per ogni ordine, e questa tassa è l'unico modo per i broker ECNSTP per fare soldi. Tuttavia, molti di loro che sono avidi, vogliono fare più soldi attraverso qualche altro modo. Markup è un modo usato da questi mediatori per fare più soldi attraverso ogni posizione che gli operatori prendono. Markup è un pip in più il broker aggiunge alla diffusione di base fornitori di liquidità. Ad esempio, il provider di diffusione di liquidità per EURUSD è di 0,5 pip. ma il broker aggiunge 1 pip ad esso, e quindi la diffusione totale diventa di 1,5 pip. In questo caso, il broker fa 1 pip, oltre alla Commissione, è legalmente permesso di caricare. Come si può scoprire che il vostro broker aggiunge markup Si può chiedere il broker prima. A volte ti dicono che lo stanno facendo. Molti di loro believeclaim che è loro diritto di aggiungere annotazioni mentre fanno pagare commissioni anche. Molti di loro negano e sostengono che la diffusione che offrono è la normale diffusione mercato forex. Si può facilmente confrontare la loro diffusione con i mercati diffusione normale. Se si tratta di 1-3 pip sopra la diffusione regolare, poi si stanno aggiungendo annotazioni alla diffusione. Al giorno d'oggi, i fornitori di liquidità offrono uno spread molto basso, a partire da 3 pips per GBPJPY che è stato utilizzato per avere una relativamente alta diffusione in passato. Se un broker doesnt ECNSTP aggiungere eventuali marcature, quindi la sua diffusione deve essere molto bassa. Quando hai scoperto che il vostro broker carica markup troppo, sarà la vostra scelta di ritirare i vostri soldi e chiudere il conto, e trovare un altro broker. Tuttavia, si dovrebbe notare che a volte il broker aggiunge markup, ma si tratta di un vero e proprio mediatore ECNSTP e non avete problemi di apertura e chiusura le vostre posizioni. Se solo pochi pips markup doesnt fare una grande differenza, youd meglio per tenere il vostro conto. Esso non ha senso per un broker market maker per aggiungere markup. Lo spread che offrono è completamente in loro controllo, e non ottengono la diffusione da un fornitore di liquidità. Pertanto, essi possono aumentare la diffusione direttamente e non hanno per aggiungere annotazioni. Un divario notevole a causa delle revisioni aggiungendo può essere visto facilmente sulla piattaforma, verificando la differenza del l'offerta e chiedere i prezzi. Tuttavia, lo slittamento è nascosto ai commercianti. Tu non scoprire che il broker scivola il prezzo fino a quando non si è aperto e chiuso tutte le posizioni. Che cosa è slittamento Lo slittamento è un trucco fatto dai broker market maker. Come il vostro profitto è la loro perdita, allora devono fare del loro meglio per non lasciare che si vince. Uno dei modi è che essi scivolare il prezzo quando si vuole prendere o chiudere una posizione. Quando si desidera acquistare e cliccare sul pulsante Acquista, improvvisamente prendono il prezzo più alto, in modo che si entra con un prezzo superiore a quello che si vede sul grafico. Per esempio si desidera acquistare EURUSD, mentre il prezzo di acquisto è 1,31,216 mila sulla piattaforma. Si fa clic sul pulsante di acquisto e si entra, ma quando si controlla la prezzo di entrata vedrete che è molto più alto di quello che avete visto sulla piattaforma. Per esempi è 1,31,32 mila. Essi non fanno si entra con un prezzo più basso quando si vuole andare a breve (vendere), perché pretende molto senso per entrare con un prezzo più basso quando il prezzo effettivo vendita è più alto sulla piattaforma. Tuttavia, quando si vuole chiudere una posizione corta (si acquista) scivolano il prezzo e si ottiene con un prezzo più elevato. Slippage causes you not to make the profit you could make with your winning positions, and lose more with your losing positions, because it worsen your entryexit prices. Market maker brokers dont do this manually. It is all done automatically and through some special settings of the platform. If you ask them why this happened, they will answer that it is because of the market situation, volatility and . With the real ECNSTP brokers sometimes you see that your entry is not what you saw on the chart. You may think that they also slip the price when you enter, but this doesnt make sense to do if the broker is a real ECNSTP broker. They dont make money from your losses, so they dont have to make you lose. In contrast, they want you to win, grow your account and keep on trading with them, so that they will also make more money in long term. Slippage is normal with the real ECNSTP brokers, specially when the market is volatile and during the news release time (read this ), because ECNSTP brokers have to route your orders to the liquidity providers. Although this is done automatically and electronically, but it takes some time and it is possible that the price changes during this time, specially when the market is moving strongly. So you will enter with a different price than what you saw on your platform. With the market maker brokers, this difference is always against you, but with the ECNSTP brokers it is sometimes against you, but sometimes in your favour. Re-quoting is another trick made by market maker brokers. When the price is going up strongly, and you choose the right direction to enter (you click on the buy button), the broker delays for few seconds, and then instead of taking the position for you, gives a new price which is higher than the price you want to enter (because the price is going up strongly). They do it when you choose the right direction. When the price is going up strongly and you buy, then you will make profit, and this is what a market maker broker doesnt want. So it doesnt let you enter with the buy price that was being offered when you clicked on the buy button, waits for few seconds for the price to go higher, and then offers you a new price, which is called re-quoting. Then you will have to click on the buy button again to enter. It is possible that they re-quote again, and repeat this process for a few times, to either stop you from entering the market, or make you enter with a much higher price. They just want to sabotage your trading. Similarly, when the price is going down strongly, and you choose to go short, they dont let you enter and wait for the price to go lower, and then they re-quote. They cause you to enter with a lower price to prevent you from making a good profit from your short position. If you find out and complain, they will say they have no idea, and re-quoting is just the result of the markets volatility, and they have no control on it, and. Whereas this is absolutely a big lie. They do the re-quoting through some special software and settings they apply to the platforms. They do it 100 intentionally. Real ECNSTP brokers dont re-quote, because it doesnt make sense for them to do it. It will have no advantage for them. However, if a broker claims that it is a real ECNSTP broker, and it re-quotes at the same time, then it is not a real ECNSTP. It is a market maker broker. Swap is the interest you have to pay when you hold your position overnight. Click Here to learn what the swap is. As you saw here. swap has to be calculated through a special formula, and as each currency interest rate is clearly stated by the related central bank, the swap has to be a constant amount with all of the brokers, banks and liquidity providers. However, the swap you actually pay is different from broker to broker. It is OK if it is not too much, but if you see your broker charges a lot as the swap, then you have to ask them about the reason, and you have to close your account if they dont fix it. Swap can cause you to lose a lot specially if you hold your positions for a long time. Leverage is a good facility that helps us trade large amounts of money with a smaller account, and make bigger profits compared to the time that there is no leverage. Tuttavia, si tratta di una spada a due bordi che può tagliare la nostra gola, se non utilizzati correttamente. Most of the novice and inexperienced traders misuse the leverage and take huge positions that their account balance is not high enough to handle. So that when the position goes against them, they get margin call and stopped out very easily and the whole account will be wiped out. Real ECNSTP brokers that are connected to real liquidity providers cannot offer a leverage higher than 100:1, because the liquidity providers do not support a leverage higher than this. If a real ECNSTP broker offers a higher leverage, and the clients position goes to loss, then it is the broker who has to pay the extra loss. So a real ECNSTP broker never supports a leverage higher than 100:1. However, market maker brokers can offer any leverage they want. I see that nowadays some of them offer 2000:1 which is crazy. Why do they do it They know that over 95 of the traders dont know how to trade and they wipe out their accounts sooner or later. A higher leverage makes them take bigger positions, lose more and wipe out their accounts faster and easier. When you see a broker offers such a high leverage, dont think that they do it for your favour. They think about making more money within a shorter time. This is it about the ways that brokers can cheat you. Please dont ask me to recommend you a broker to open a live account with. I will never do it. I have good reasons for that. Download Our E-book For FREE and Dont Miss Our New Articles Enter your email address and check your inbox now: Tim September 2, 2014 at 11:06 am Hi Chris, thanks for the article, interesting. Are you SURE that true ECN brokers only give leverage up to 100:1. Because Im with two brokers, Pepperstone and Axitrader, they both claim to be ECN, and they both give leverage above 100:1. One is 200:1 and the other is 400:1. Some forex brokers are strong in some of these areas while others are strong in others. Below discussed which Australian fx broker are strongest by each criterion followed by an overall best Australian forex broker recommendation. Which Broker Has The Lowest Fees There are key areas that impact trading fees. They are spreads (the difference between the buysell rate) for any currency pairing and commissions charged on the amount traded. Taking both into consideration Pepperstone was found to have the lowest fees of any Australian forex broker as highlighted below. The best account offered by Pepperstone was their Razor Account. As the below graphs highlight, spreads start from just 0.1 pips for AUDUSD and EURUSD. There is a very modest commission of AU3.5 per 100k traded which is more than offset by the reduced spreads. Pepperstone was also viewed as having the lowest fees thanks to their price improvement technology. PPI technology ensures your forex trades find hot-sports in the market to deliver the best pricing available. In simple terms, when you trade with Pepperstone you trade like normal but when you execute a trade and the market moves in your favour during execution an improved price will be filled for your trade. Which Australian Forex Broker Has The Best Leverage Leverage is critical for any Australian forex trader with high levels required by more experienced traders with sophisticated Australian forex trading strategies. Below shows the best Australian forex brokers with ASIC certification maximum leverage levels. As the table highlights, IC Markets has the equal highest leverage of 500:1. At this level, a deposit of 300 would could allow 150k to be traded on currency markets. This could lead to huge gains in turbulent markets or a loss of the full deposit. As risk is dramatically increased you should understand leverage before trading and ensure you put in elements such as stoploss orders to limit exposure. Which Broker Offers The Best Forex Platform Options The two best forex platforms worldwide are: The second most used platform especially by day-trading currency traders An ability to personalise both charts and the interface The ability to back-test strategies and bots on real past data A number of brokers offers both of the platforms above but Pepperstone is one of the few that is releasing MetaTrader 5 as well which has enhanced features. This gave the broker the edge over similar Australian forex companies. Pepperstone also integrates both cTrader and MetaTrader through an ECN with no dealing desk. This means fast execution of trades reducing the risk of slippage in volatile markets. In simplistic terms, this means that when a currency pairing is moving quickly and you want to make a fast sell to limit your loss, this traders features will help you exec Pepperstone, FXCM and ThinkForex all offer strong mobile device platforms. Plus500 and EasyForex also have strong mobile platforms but dont offer android compatible devices. Overall therefore the best Australian forex broker platform comes from Pepperstone. What Broker Has The Best Trading Features a) Guaranteed Stops While all Australian forex brokers offer stoplosses where you can set the maximum amount your willing to lose, this doesnt guarantee this will actually occur. This is due to slippage occurring at times in highly volatile markets. This means that when a sudden movement occurs, the broker may not be able to fill the order at the stoploss price leading to additional losses. A guaranteed stop is a way to lock in what the maximum losses you are willing to incur and is offered by Easy Forex. For new forex traders or those that are risk adverse, this is a great way to manage your risk when currency trading. b) No Negative Balance Another way to limit your risk exposure is by choosing Pepperstone due to their no negative balance policy. This means that if you make a significant loss, once your deposit is exhaust all trades are stopped and your balance is zero. This means that you will already know the most you will lose and there is no risk the broker will ask you to pay an amount that exceeds the deposit level. Fast servers are critical to ensure you get the price quoted more often than not. Both IC Markets Pepperstone use Equinix NY4 facility which is located next to wall street. Through an optic fibre connection from Australia to these servers, Australians can make quick trades reduce slippage and ensuring the price quoted is achieved. Who Has The Best Customer Service OANDA are viewed as the leader when it comes to satisfaction through their education, rewards and more. They have won most of Investment Trends awards as viewed below based on this high customer service level. Other considerations for determining the best forex broker Australia Firm Opening a forex account, setting up and in some cases getting used to a new forex platform can be a timely and sometime frustrating process. Most forex broker Australia firms recognise this and offer fx offers to give incentive for Australian forex traders to switch providers or try the industry with an initial few traders. Below shows some of the current fx offers in the market. Plus500 as the table below offers the best offer in the market while Easy Forex offers 20 credit fx. Naturally, all these fx offers are only for the initial trading period and dont offer promotions over time to Australian forex traders. All the fx brokers shown on Compare Forex Brokers are ASIC regulated with Australian Financial Licences. The forex broker comparison tables only used these brokers due to their safeguards including segregated bank accounts (within Australia), training standards and regular audits. Any Australian forex broker comparison made by an Australian fx trader should avoid non-ASIC regulated companies fore peace of mind. Overall Best Australian Forex Broker Based on all the factors above Pepperstone was considered the best forex broker due to their low spreadscommissions, relatively high leverage (400:1), forex platform offering of MetaTrader cTrader and features such as no negative deposit. This is why the broker is one of the fastest growing companies in Australia and a leader in currency trading across Asia. Online Best australian forex broker2015comparison Dont Get Eaten Alive Foreign exchange currency trading is a risky business with much to lose and much to gain. As a professional forex broker and personal trader, I have realized the fast profits this market can reap, while witnessing the dog-eat-dog nature of the beast, in which buyers lose their shirts every minute. 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Investors trade at their own risk and have no legal recourse to enforce justice. Lo so. Ive been there. The scammers have burned me more than once. In an attempt to further my own knowledge, I fell for the magical software sales pitches and followed the crooked paths to the stolen treasures, only to be let down ad nauseam. I served my time as a forex broker, which was an eye-opening experience. I heard and saw the manipulation of client profits that was business as usual. It quickly shifted my interest in trading and brokering forex to that of protecting forex traders. I redirected my efforts from studying daily forex signals to researching forex websites. I was determined to devise a resource on which forex investors could rely for honest, fair information exchange. Know the Forex Trading Scammers The best advice I can give is dont trust anyone whose reputation you cannot validate and whose association is not legitimately tied to the actual forex market. This is especially important when selecting your forex broker. The allure of trading forex can be overwhelming. It attracts many eager fx traders willing to gamble away their lifes earnings. Unscrupulous forex brokers, signal providers, fx educators, software peddlers, and forex frauds are waiting, with baited breath, to take your money and turn it into a profit for themselves all at your expense The good news is that many forex professionals are honest and reliable, capable of assisting the most inexperienced fx trader succeed. Following forex signals and making profitable currency trades happens 24-hours a day, all around the world. The philosophy behind Forex Justice is to even out the playing field so everyone has a fair chance at winning. Straight Shooting, Unedited Forex Trading Forex Reviews Many Forex review websites are thinly veiled as informative, unbiased forex opinion forums. In actuality, theyre doing little more than championing their own causes. 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How the Two-Way Forex Forum Works Participants, including forex traders and others who have valuable information to contribute, submit reviews for consideration. Once approved, reviews are posted almost immediately. Vendors and professionals reply with comments in the aggregate to the reviews, addressing specific points or with general answers. The communication is limited to one reply per vendor or professional with a limitation on length. This encourages a fair, open forum, without back-and-forth bickering and unnecessary criticism. Sign-up now and join the Forex Justice Forum. Only with the help of real-life forex scenarios and two-way communication, can we turn forex trading into an ethical, trustworthy investment option. Online Forex reviews-the fair forex trading forum Just fill out the short registration form below and please. dont use any spaces in the username you choose to use. 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Esiste la possibilità che si possa sostenere una perdita di alcuni o tutti vostro investimento iniziale e quindi non si dovrebbe investire denaro che non può permettersi di perdere. È necessario essere consapevoli di tutti i rischi associati con trading in valuta estera, e chiedere il parere di un consulente finanziario indipendente se avete dei dubbi. Disclaimer Tutte le informazioni pubblicate su questo sito web è di nostro parere e il parere dei nostri visitatori, e potrebbe non riflettere la verità. Si prega di utilizzare il proprio buon senso e chiedere il parere di un consulente qualificato, prima di credere e accettare qualsiasi informazione presente sul sito stesso. Ci riserviamo inoltre il diritto di rimuovere, modificare, spostare o chiudere qualsiasi messaggio per qualsiasi motivo. Pubblicità Attenzione collegamenti pubblicitaria vengono visualizzati in tutto il sito. Alcune pagine del sito può contenere dei link di affiliazione per i prodotti. 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Si dovrebbe sempre verificare e confermare con diverse fonti con il vostro consulente finanziario concesso in licenza e consulente fiscale per determinare l'idoneità di un investimento prima di prendere una decisione finale. L'uso continuato e la navigazione delle informazioni presenti su questo sito costituisce accettazione di queste Condizioni d'Uso. Se non sei d'accordo, si prega di non procedere ad utilizzare questo sito web. Esplicito sui rischi: Il trading di cambio sul margine comporta un alto livello di rischio, e potrebbe non essere adatto a tutti gli investitori. L'alto grado di leva può funzionare contro di voi e per voi. Prima di decidere di investire in valuta estera si deve considerare attentamente i vostri obiettivi di investimento, livello di esperienza e propensione al rischio. Esiste la possibilità che si possa sostenere una perdita di alcuni o tutti vostro investimento iniziale e quindi non si dovrebbe investire denaro che non può permettersi di perdere. È necessario essere consapevoli di tutti i rischi associati con trading in valuta estera, e chiedere il parere di un consulente finanziario indipendente se avete dei dubbi. Tradestation vs NinjaTrader: Reviews - Which one is better By Marcello July 25, 2011 Deciding whether NinjaTrader or Tradestation is better is similar to deciding which kid is your favorite. You just cant do that These two programs are the only trading platforms that all futures traders use. These two platforms are the only ones I have been using for my roughly 10 year day trading career. I share my day trading tips and more about my strategy on my new Day Trading website at thedaytradingacademy If you trade stocks or options then you have different possibilities including the programs that the big brokerages offer. Big brokerages are much too expensive in comparison to the brokers that are tailor made for the futures market. This is the reason why most futures day traders and professional day traders use one of these two platforms. Choosing between the two has gotten more difficult over the years due to the fact that Ninja Trader is new to the charting realm of trading. NinjaTrader use to be known as just an execution platform but recently taken a significant dive into charting. Picture of a Tradestation Chart This bodes well for many traders since Tradestation used to be the only platform that was available. Competition is always better We can look at a few areas of charting to really compare the two platforms: Ease of Use Charting Ease of Use Execution Initial Setup Installation Cost of NinjaTrader Tradestation Platforms: Tradestation is significantly more expensive since you can use Ninja Trader for free when you are practicing or simulating. Tradestation costs 125 a month unless you make 10 round trip trades per month out of a live account (1 round tripyou take on a position then sell it). If you are able to make 10 live round trip trades per month then you only pay a 25 monthly fee for the data feed. Ninja Trader is completely free to use on simulation. In order to trade a live account with Ninja Trader you have to buy a license. Price details are listed below: Cost of Tradestation 25 a month with 10 live round trip trades 125 a month using simulation or not having 10 live round trip trades Cost of Ninja Trader: Purchase 995 for a 1 broker Lifetime License (option most will choose) 1495 for Multi Broker Lifetime License Cost of Ninja Trader: Lease 60 a month (180 total 3 month lease) 55 a month (330 total 6 month lease) 50 a month (600 total 1 year lease) Advantage: Ninja Trader (who can argue with free) Ease of Use Charting : Tradestation use to win this battle big time before the recent release of Ninja Trader 7. With the new release both platforms are on par with each other aside from some small nuances. Most old school day traders like myself use Tradestation. Most new traders use Ninja Trader since it costs nothing to use until you go live. I still prefer to use Tradestation for charting since those small nuances to me make a difference in comparison to Ninja Trader. Ease of Use Execution : There are some major differences in execution between Ninja Trader and Tradestation. To put it plainly, Ninja Trader is light years ahead of Tradestation. Ninja Trader has more options and some cool features that the age old Tradestation platform doesnt have. The data feeds that both platforms use are also very different. I have personally noticed that Trade Station is more sensitive to spikes in volume while Ninja Trader is more sensitive to internet shortages. When you travel around the world like I do these small differences can cost thousands of dollars. When spikes in volume occur Tradestation tends to not be able to catch up with the data where Ninja Trader keeps right up. When the internet cuts out even for even a millisecond Tradestation for the most part stays connected while Ninja Trader loses its connection almost immediately. Ninja Traders feed options are much better than Tradestations. Tradestation still uses a very old data connection that was invented ages ago, updates to the feed may or may not have happened recently. Ninja Trader on the other hand can connect via various data feed providers that are up to date. Advantage: Ninja Trader Tradestation Ninjatrader Features : Chart Trader on NinjaTrader When we look at the features of both platforms Ninja Trader has a clear edge. When learning how to day trade and practicing its important to be able to simulate in a live environment. What Ninja Trader provides is the ability to download historical data and replay it like its live. You can now practice how to day trade any time of the week, day or night. This is an invaluable tool for both new day traders and those that want to practice. Most newbies have other responsibilities and having the freedom of time is priceless. Another cool feature on Ninja Trader is the chart trader option. This is where you can visually see all of your stops and targets on your chart rather than just your order matrix. It brings a whole new visibility to day trading that took charting to a whole new level. Advantage: Ninja Trader Tradestation offers 24 hour customer service except for the weekends while Ninja Trader only offers email support. While it can be annoying at times Ninja Trader support has a canny way of answering your question right away. I have been very surprised to receive emails at 2am from a question I asked. This does not fix the fact that speaking to someone on the phone is much easier than trying to explain it in words. Initial Setup Installation: While both platforms are easy to use they are equal when it comes to setup and installation. They both have their quirks and you will need help setting up both of them. Most times when you buy a strategy or software the company you buy it from will assist with the install. I have found that Ninja Trader has more videos and tutorials than Tradestation but I havent needed much technical support for Tradestation. You cant take my word on that. I have found that both technical supports have been helpful. Recommendation. Ninja Trader One of the biggest reasons most new traders use Ninja Trader is for the price. If you are already spending thousands of dollars to start day trading the last thing you need are more expenses. The extra chart trader features and especially the ability to simulate in a live market environment is invaluable. Online Tradestation vs ninjatrader reviews-which one is better Cycling 2014 Annual Training Plan Yesterday I found myself without wifi (what did we ever do without) and had a few hours of waiting ahead of me. So I decided to go ahead and create my annual cycling program for this fall and next season. It is my goal to improve my performance and peak to a few events next year (long rides and events) without a ton of pressure and not compromising my other fitness goals. This is not the kind of plan I ever did back when I was road racing or when cycling was my only goal so a few things to keep in mind: I have limited time available having a family, running a business etc. I have only recently started to bike regularly again after taking a break I combine cycling with cross training and body building all year round Its my goal to become stronger and faster again but not to race I have other goals I want to accomplish (weight training related, which I will create a separate training program for) As you see, the variables I worked with are types of specific training and workload. The variable of time is minimal. I wanted to keep it realistic and not put in 10 hours of bike training some week if I dont believe Ill be able to do it. Having spent 18 hoursweek on the bike and competing on a regular basis for years, I know my weaknesses and how to improve. My limiting factors right now are Lactate Treshold and Anaerobic Endurance. Thats why Ive put an emphasis on these once Ive created a solid base. Since I have only put in significant time and miles the last 3 months, I am not fatigued at all so I will just go ahead and jump right into this. Keep in mind Im not looking to race, just get better all around. My strengths have always been power and sprints so I will continue to work on those as well to improve them again and also to keep it fun One thing many cyclists forget is to keep it fun. They get too focussed on following programs and performing which causes them to burn out mentally. This is a general idea of what my year will look like. Every month I will create a more in depth program and specific training sessions for the upcoming month and every week this will be revisited and adjusted if needed, just as I do for my clients whom I coach. Things will come up and I will probably have to make many minor and perhaps major changes but thats all right. Its still highly beneficial to get an idea and your goals down on paper. I will periodically test myself in field and on the indoor trainer and review my power heart rate values. The last few years power has made a huge impact on training and it is the primary focus in cycling training at this point. Stay tuned for the progress and updates. I will try to break everything down and explain why I do certain things so you understand some of the intricacies of cycling training. Training and coaching is more of an art than a science. Its all about putting the different pieces together to create the best possible plan. The most fun part of training is the fact that everyone is different. My plan would not work for anyone else and thats the challenge for the coach and the most exciting part I didnt want to use anyone elses information and training program to break down on a regular basis and considering I have some big plans myself in the cycling industry (non race related, both local and beyond), I thought it might be a good motivator for myself as well. By Sander Vanacker TRX Kettle Bell Cross Training Self Defense Classes Workshops traineu2wp-contentuploads201311youtubeicon-e1329880401669.png resize352C35 img srci1.wp66.147.242.196 traineu2wp-contentuploads201311fbicon-e1329880206895.png resize352C35 img srci2.wp66.147.242.196 traineu2wp-contentuploads201311instagram-icon-e1348060340904.png resize352C35 img srci0.wp66.147.242.196 traineu2wp-contentuploads201311twittericon-e1329880313794.png resize352C35 img srci2.wp66.147.242.196 traineu2wp-contentuploads201311googleicon-e1329880440664.png resize352C35 img srci2.wp66.147.242.196 There are many day trading strategies that will work 80 of the time. The end of day London Close strategy work extremely well. The results so far at the time of this post February 2nd, 2012 the carefully kept records since January 2010 till today are as follows: Total trades: 647 trades ( 92 accuracy rate of success) Winning trades. 594 for a total of 13,053 pips Losing trades: 21 for a total of 200 pips Breakeven trades: 32 This gives an aggregate profits of 12854 pips and an accuracy rate of 92. You can watch an example of day trading using the London Close day trading strategy here. So why are some people able to look at the day trading strategy of London close and use it successfully and others not Day trading strategies and how you can use them Day trading strategies are just one piece of the puzzle to successfully day trade. You have to prepare your mind and develop your mind as a trader. That is the key to successful day trading behavior. How do you develop a trading mindset that will lead you to success as a day trader 1. Be able to differentiate between a gamble and a professional trade setup. How do you do this. Most traders fail because of this. I failed because of this. After working on my mind and decided to stick to my trading plan no matter what, I started seeing recurring patterns in the markets using that charts that I can patiently wait to setup. But before I just traded because I had to trade and would ignore my trading rules. This is very detrimental to a trader. It is very easy to switch in your mind and just ignore your rules. But training your mind will help you overcome this. To be successful, you have to be extremely discipline. 2. You have to treat trading as a business. If you have it at the back of your mind that trading is a business, you will have a smart plan before execution. So your road to success as a day trader requires a a smart plan that has a property entry rules, proper position management and a proper exit. This well thought-out plan must be executed meticulously and with discipline. What I have found work is trading with others. Find a mentor or someone you can trade with, who will hold you accountable. That is where Shirley Hudson and Vic Nobles comes in with the recurring forex patterns. Besides the 6 day trading strategies, you will get a smart trading plan and you will be working with other traders and Shirley and Vic will be in the room to guide you everyday as you prepare for your trading day. You too can overcome the failure rate in trading and become a successful, self-empowered day trader, by following and trading using these 6 different day trading strategies, that reoccur every day. You can see the 6 day trading strategies here Day Trading Strategies These six day trading strategies are working so well, you can listen to Shirley Hudson explain how these are powerful short term trading strategies you can use everyday. Just chose the best time to trade the forex for you and use one or two of these strategies. See the results below and be sure to get these six day trading strategies today. We promise to bring you the best and these are the best day trading strategies. Day trading strategies that works. In 24 months of careful record keeping, Shirley Hudson has profited an astounding 12,598 pips(and counting). Out of 629 total trades, a staggering 578 were winners (12,797 Pips), 30 were break even trades and only 20 trades actually lost money (200 pips) Thats a 92 winning ratio with an average return of 22 pips gain per trade You will not fine a better trading strategy than this and this is just one of the time specific patterns that Shirley and Vic will be sharing with you in this 6 day trading strategies. Excited yet Proven Day Trading Strategies Provides Everything You Need To Become a Self-Empowered, Confident And Successful Day Trader. These Strategies Are Full With Actionable Steps You Can Take To Positively Change The Out Come Of Your Trading Results. Read on Knowing how to look for and take advantage of these recurring Forex price patterns is one of the main weapons available to the professional Forex trader. La chiave è sapere come identificare questi modelli che si formano frequentemente e prevedibile per tutta la giornata di trading. Listen to this conversation and decide for yourself today. If you really want to be successful in your day trading career, then you have to find a winning trader and simply emulate them. This is the shortest way to become successful. Shirley Hudson has proven her day trading skills both as a trader and a mentor. One of the day trading strategies she trades is the London Close Strategy. The current success rate of this day trade strategy is 93. Many people just cannot get it. But it is true. I hope you will drop everything and just focus on letting Shirley mentor you. So order the Recurring Price Patterns today and here is what you will learn: The basic tools and knowledge needed to trade these patterns How to find and trade these straight forward patterns successfully How to enter, exit and manage the 6 patterns with proper risk and trade management How to understand the overall market environment to improve your odds The proper psychological mind-set to win consistently This day trading strategies seeks to provide the following to serious students who choose to follow the steps and have the commitment to work with these patterns. A proven success model to follow Clear concise easy patterns to follow Explanation of one of the most important aspects of trading reading the market environment and how to tell whenwhy to take and book your profits Why Trade These Recurring Patterns The Recurring Forex Pattern training program consists of the follow key features: 6 very low risk, recurring Forex patterns that have been proven to provide consistent profits for those that know how to find and trade them These patterns are non time specific which means they can be traded during any market session These patterns provide limited exposure to increasingly volatile market conditions, yet they provide highly effective setups to take advantage of intraday volatility for the active trader Trading these patterns can offer very nice intraday profits often much more than other scalping techniques Question What are the best Forex patterns to daytrade Answer Recurring Intraday Patterns Why Because currency patterns that recur consistently throughout the trading day provide the safest and best trading opportunities to the active Forex trader. Once a trader learns to recognize and master the nuances of these technical patterns, he can profit from them over and over again. With experience, these trade setups become predictable and easy to spot. We believe this is the formula to successfully trade the Forex consistently in the long run. If you are interested in learning how to trade these money making patterns, then you should consider investing into this powerful day trading strategy course. It will revotionalized your trading. But first, many of you are very familiar with the amazing success our Forexmentor member Shirley Hudson has been enjoying in trading the London Close ( 12,000 pips in 2 years with 93 accuracy ). Since Shirley shared her incredible strategy with us in 2010, thousands of traders have taken advantage of the London Close strategy to profit from the Forex markets. Shirley continues to demonstrate her personal success with this incredible strategy by keeping up with her impressive track record. However, not all of you were able to take advantage of this strategy because you are not available to trade during this time frame. Many of you wanted to apply these techniques to other trading times. Yes, on busy days, the London Close Trades are Shirleys bread and butter because they offer her a convenient, time-specific way of profiting from the market quickly and allow her to get on with her day. But on days when she can devote additional time to trading, Shirley also trades reliable patterns that set up throughout the day. These trading patterns are based on tried and true techniques shes learned from the Coachs Corner Service. And in case you are wondering, her track record is just as impressive if not more so than the London Close trades. Qui ci sono i suoi risultati commerciali per lo scambio di tali modelli specifici non tempo. Check the performance record since Shirley has been tracking these recurring pattern trades starting mid Nov. 2011. Quite impressive Day Trading Strategies Packed With Actionable Steps That Will Literally Change Your Life Financially As You Learn Alongside The Best Traders Who Are Willing To Share Their Insights With You. Day trading strategy with Macd and Bollinger bands This day trading strategy is for day trading. You can use it to trade forex or futures. Watch the video over and over again to understand how the setup works. You can download a complete guide to day trading here. The best part its absolutely free. Here is your strategy video, explaining the complete setup of your trade. You determine the direction of trade using MACD and then your entry and exit using bollinger bands. This forex trading strategy is very effective. However, you will need a traders mindset to succeed as a day trader. Once you master the skills to implement this strategy and other strategies you find on this site, then you will succeed. But master the skills needed. Trading is simple, but it is not easy. 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Thats the basic choice. See this heathrow airport news article on how bad the rates and charges at airports can be. Buying Foreign Currency at Heathrow Airport There is an International Currency Exchange (ICE) counter at Heathrow Underground station (telephone: 44 (0)20 8897 6829). Terminal 1: International Currency Exchange (or ICE open 06:00 to 21:00) and Travelex (open 05:00 to 22:00) counters in the departures areas both before and after security. Terminal 2: International Currency Exchange (or ICE, open 06:00 - 23:00, telephone: 44 (0)20 8564 7394) and Travelex (05:00 - 21:45) counters in the departures areas both before and after security. There is also a Post Office (telephone: 44 (0)20 8759 1120 and two counters serving the arrivals area, ICE (06:00 - 23:00) and Travelex (06:30 - 22:00). Terminal 3: American Express Foreign Exchange (05:30 - 22:00 telephone: 44 (0)208 759 6845) and Travelex (05:30 - 22:00) counters in the departures areas both before and after security. Terminal 4: American Express Foreign Exchange (05:30 - 22:00 telephone: 44 (0)208 897 0153) and Travelex (05:00 - 22:00) counters in the departures areas both before and after security. There is also an American Express Foreign Exchange (05:30 - 22:00 telephone: 44 (0)208 897 0134) in the arrivals hall. Buying Foreign Currency Online You can buy your currency online via a number of foreign exchange companies. Each time we check the rates, including commission and delivery charges, we find that Travelex and the Post Office are the most competitive. With Travelex you need to give 48 hours notice, but you can collect your currency from the airport if they have a desk there (they do at all Heathrow terminals). And with the Post Office you can pick between delivery, or you can pick your currency up at your local Post Office. Unique, And the markets. To leverage and. To a novice trader pro all. Wide range of hour with the pros and are trading academy. 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Continued to help you will need to buy now and guides for the depth technical and includes the moment you are probably not a week april, but if you will need to be given utmost focus is the foreign exchange markets using tools. Without a carrier signal directly to trade stock exchange By August 2nd, 2015 Blog Comments Off Brief description of the column headings Weeks in test self explanatory. Total gain the total amount gained calculated in relation to the sum of the deposits (in most cases, itll be just the initial deposit). Closed pips the total number of pips realized by all the trades that were closed. Si prega di notare che questo non include il numero di pips galleggianti che potrebbe essere il risultato di nessuna negoziazione aperta. Monthly return the monthly return figure calculated by Myfxbook . Risk reward ratio calculated by dividing the average losing trade by the average winning trade. Winning trades the percent of trades with a positive outcome. Max closed drawdown the maximum realized drawdown, meaning the largest drawdown ever encountered during the account lifetime. Please note that this does not take equity into account, so unrealized drawdowns from floating profits are not taken into account here. Basically, its the drawdown calculated by Myfxbook as the largest difference between a balance peak and the lowest following bottom. Max drawdown (incl. floating) unlike the closed drawdown above, this also includes floating (unrealized) drawdowns so in some cases it will be larger than its counterpart, especially for grid, martingale and hold-and-pray EAs. Max floating drawdown pips the maximum recorded value of floating negative profit, in pips. Average trades per day the number of average trades per day. Naturalmente, il calcolo comprende solo giorni di negoziazione, sono esclusi i fine settimana. Profit factor the sum of all positive trades divided by the sum of all negative trades. Un fattore di profitto inferiore a 1 significa che il sistema non è attualmente redditizia che dovrebbe anche essere facilmente visibile dalle altre statistiche. Birts index a performance index of my own based on a Sortino Ratio calculated on a weekly period, but also factoring the system lifetime and the floating drawdown. Maggiori informazioni su suo calcolo sono disponibili. Please note that its a work in progress and its likely to change as time passes and its potential flaws are observed. Balance chart this one is pretty obvious. The system details are updated about once every 30 minutes. The balance chart images and the Birts index figures are updated 4 times per day. This page is designed to continuously grow and list a wide array of expert advisors together with signal services. Non ci sono limitazioni ai sistemi che renderanno qui. Anche se un EA è sulla mia lista No Review potrebbe ancora presentarsi qui. Vi consiglio di fare la vostra dovuta diligenza prima di acquistare tutti i sistemi che non sono stati completamente revisionati. Come regola generale, mi fermo sistemi che raggiungono un prelievo superiore a 50, ma potrei fare delle eccezioni e fermarli prima o dopo a seconda di altri fattori. To have an even ground, I am attempting to target a 5 monthly return and a maximum of 20 as drawdown for each system, but thats mostly guesswork and it will surely vary wildly. Online Expert advisor top-compare live forward performance Written by Aboutcurrency Forex Knowledge Written by Zahir Swing trading requires discipline and substantial technical skills to earn profits in the stock and forex market. It is also one of the most common trading disciplines used. Forex Knowledge Written by Zahir With the employment of the monetary policy, financial accounts with regard to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) can be either weakened or strengthened. Forex Knowledge Written by Mtrading Failing to manage Forex leverage is one of the biggest pitfalls currency traders face. While trading with leverage can significantly enhance returns, it also increases the risk of big losses when a trade fails. Forex Knowledge Written by Zahir Quantitative Easing (QE) are the latest buzz words in the financial markets. It is important to become intimately comfortable with these words because they will be the catch phrase of 2009 thanks to the latest interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of Japan. Forex Knowledge Written by Kathy Lien Quantitative Easing (QE) are the latest buzz words in the financial markets. It is important to become intimately comfortable with these words because they will be the catch phrase of 2009 thanks to the latest interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of Japan. Forex Knowledge Written by Christopher Muir For many people, currency investments are still widely misunderstood, and are often associated with excessive risk-taking, high amounts of leverage and internet scams. Forex Knowledge Written by FED Interest rates receive a lot of attention in the media, but what are they, anyway How are they determined What do they do This introduction provides some basic answers to these questions. Forex Knowledge Written by Thomas Long One of the main differences between a stock market and the FX market is that the FX market is a true 24 hour a day market. Trading is continuous around the clock and really only is closed on weekends due to the lack of volume rather than an actual close. Forex Knowledge Written by LFB Team Do you have any idea as to how much your Broker knows about you and your trading habits Your Broker will know a lot more about you and your trading habits than you may realize, especially if they run their own Dealing Desk rather than routing your order straight through to the Inter-bank. Forex Knowledge Written by DailyFX Research Team When it comes to the currency market, most traders will use either technical or fundamental analysis or a combination of both to formulate their strategy, However, even for the casual currency trader, news or event risk can have a dramatic influence on the long and short-term price action of a currency pair. Forex Knowledge Written by Thomas Long One of the most powerful pieces of information you can use to evaluate your actions as a forex trader is a trading log. With each trade, you should keep track of your thoughts and actions so you can improve your approach to trading. Forex Knowledge Written by Scott Percival Youve probably seen it mentioned in various trading forums. It may have even happened to you a few times. Its enough to make your head explode. What is it Its called Stop Hunting. Forex Knowledge Written by Thomas Long You bought the EURUSD at 1.4000 and the market is now trading at 1.4025. Since there is an economic release due out in 15 minutes, you move your protective stop up to 1.4000 to protect your winning trade from turning into a losing trade. Forex Knowledge Written by Joe Ross Is it important to be creative in your trading Im not sure I can describe it in terms of importance. The creative process is somewhat of a mystery, even to scientists who study it. Forex Knowledge Written by Hendra Wijaya The disbelief in this idea is further encouraged by tales of trauma received by many an unfortunate trader. We have all heard the horror stories, the tragic accounts of so-called ldquonewbiesrdquo, and are tempted to dismiss the idea of trading for a living right off. Forex Knowledge Written by Fiorenzo Fontana Any individual or company that has contacts with individuals or other companies who might be interested in trading forex online, either by themselves or through a forex broker can become a forex Introducing Broker. Forex Knowledge Written by Joe Chalhoub I am Joe Chalhoub, a computer engineer, Forex trader and strategy builder. I began trading currencies 3 years ago. The first 3 months trading were complete failure, I remember I lost all my money and I was about to quit, but I couldnt, I felt if I quit now maybe I am missing the chance of having my own business. Forex Knowledge Written by BIS The following facts and figures relate to the foreign exchange market. Much of the information is drawn from the preliminary results of the 2007 Triennial Central Bank Survey of Foreign Exchange and Derivatives. Forex Knowledge Written by Ken Herbert You may have heard that currencies are highly sensitive to the news, and that is true. However, that news almost always comes in the form of scheduled economic reports, and a given report usually affects only a small group of currencies. Forex Knowledge Written by Dr. S. Sivaraman Forex or currency market is a 24 hrs market - it is different from other markets like: commodity, stock and debt. Here the traders participate from different countries during different timings. Forex Knowledge Written by Matt Vann My last article, the Hardware Guide, covered the basic requirements for a capable, reliable hardware setup to trade the markets effectively. Some of you may also be aware of my Techies Corner Guide, which provides some basic information about PC security, and links to a variety of downloadable programs and tests to use for the security-conscious amongst us. Forex Knowledge Written by Matt Vann As someone whos already considering trading, youll already have a PC and be connected to the internet - you wouldnt be reading this otherwise - but you might be asking yourself just what sort of hardware and software does a trader need to give them an edge in todays high-tech marketplace. A New Traders Journey to Success Forex Knowledge Written by James Lee This is the first stage when you enter trading. You may have picked up a book on technical analysis somewhere, heard of a day trader making millions, or got lucky in an earlier stock investment. After all, how hard can it be The money sounds appealing and the freedom to be independent sounds attractive. What Moves Currency Rates Forex Knowledge Written by Refco In the currency market, traders buy and sell currencies with the hope of making a profit when the value of the currencies changes in their favor, whether from market news or events that take place around the world. Currencies, just like any other commodity that can be bought or sold, are subject to the laws of supply and demand. Trade Currencies Using News - 5 Most Watched US Indicators Forex Knowledge Written by Refco Currencies do not become weaker or stronger randomly. A large portion of a currencys value is based on confidence in the economic strength of the country. Is There Such A Thing As Hedging in the Forex Market Forex Knowledge Written by David Mclauchlan For those who are not familiar with the Forex market, the word hedging could mean absolutely nothing. However, those who are regular traders know that there are many ways to use this term in trading. Moving the Forex Market with Trading and Intervention Techniques Forex Knowledge Written by David Mclauchlan Trading and intervention techniques can offer traders benefits When trading on the foreign currency exchange market, or the Forex. Traders look to intervention as a means of seeing where the Forex is heading, indicating that some currencies should be higher or lower depending on what is going on in that country. Trying Out a Forex Demo Account Forex Knowledge Written by David Mclauchlan To determine if Forex trading is truly for you, trying out a Forex demo account is the way to go. It is a method used by thousands of potential Forex traders and investors to determine if forex trading is for them. Rookie Mistakes Can be Expensive In Forex Trading Forex Knowledge Written by David Mclauchlan Learning anything new can lead to mistakes, but making mistakes can be the natural part of the learning process. When learning to trade or invest in the Forex, mistakes can lead to lose of profits and can become expensive. Forex Fundamental Analysis Tutorial Forex Knowledge Written by Louizos Alexander Louizos In this tutorial you will learn how to implement fundamental analysis in your trading style. This is what some people called institutional Forex trading system. You should learn the basic macroeconomic factors that influence global market. This is called fundamental analysis. Forex Technical vs Real Leverage Forex Knowledge Written by Mihai Marinescu If leverage is dangerous, then using a very small one - or none - should protect a trader against any danger resulting from trading large positions, right WRONG This confusion is caused by a misunderstanding of the word leverage, which can have at least two different meanings. Ten New Trader Pitfalls Forex Knowledge Written by John Forman So you want to trade, eh Or have you already started What drew you to it Was it the huge profit potential Maybe it was the excitement. Or perhaps youre like me and love the challenge of solving a big, multi-dimensional puzzle. Forex Trading Patterns - Profits from Your Calendar Forex Knowledge Written by John Forman Most currency traders have heard of seasonal patterns, something which is mostly associated with commodities. The foreign exchange market also has calendar patterns which influence trading, and just like in commodities, traders can take advantage of them to improve their odds for success and profits. How Long Does It Take To Become A Successful Currency Trader Forex Knowledge Written by Aboutcurrency Its probably the most asked question when you are new to forex trading - How long does it take to become a successful currency trader We get asked this quite often, and, well be honest with you, - its impossible to answer. It really depends on your focus, your commitment, and your discipline. Forex Taxes - Do you have to pay Forex Knowledge Written by Robert A. Green, CPA Currency traders face complexities and nuances come tax time. future su valute sono trattati come gli altri tipi di futuri la vostra contabilità è un gioco da ragazzi e si gode più bassi 6040 aliquote fiscali misti. Tuttavia, il denaro contante forex può essere un incubo di contabilità e si faccia aliquote fiscali ordinarie superiore, a meno che non si decide di IRC 988 per 6040 il trattamento. Foreign Exchange Market Forex Knowledge Written by Wikipedia The foreign exchange (currency or forex or FX) market exists wherever one currency is traded for another. It is by far the largest market in the world, in terms of cash value traded, and includes trading between large banks, central banks, currency speculators, multinational corporations, governments, and other financial markets and institutions. Forex Trading Styles: Scalping, Day trading, Swing Trading Position Trading Forex Knowledge Written by Aboutcurrency When trading currencies online, there are several trading styles that forex traders can profit from, the following is a list of the most common trade types complete with a brief description of each style of trade. Forex Market Gaps Forex Knowledge Written by Dean Kleb A gap in the foreign exchange market simply means a break between 2 currency pair prices where no trading takes place. Since the forex market is a 24 hour market and extremely liquid, these gaps are rarely seen. Buying and Selling Foreign Exchange Forex Knowledge Written by Dean Kleb What exactly do you buy or sell when you make a foreign currency transaction In reality, you are doing both actions, buying and selling. The Value of Currencies, Base and Counter Currency Forex Knowledge Written by Dean Kleb One currency in a currency pair is always dominant, only in the way it is quoted. It is called the Base Currency. The base currency is identified as the first currency in a currency pair. It also is the currency that remains constant when determining a currency pairs price. Foreign Currency Symbols Forex Knowledge Written by Aboutcurrency Foreign Currencies like equities have their own symbols that distinguish one from another. Since foreign currencies are quoted in terms of the value of one currency against the value of another, a currency pair includes the name for both currencies, separated by a . Forex Frequently Asked Questions Forex Knowledge Written by Aboutcurrency Any individual or company that has contacts with individuals or other companies who might be interested in trading forex online, either by themselves or through a forex broker can become a forex Introducing Broker. Forex Investment Myths Forex Knowledge Written by Aboutcurrency The Forex Market market is one of most popular financial markets for short term speculation, due to its enormous size (over 1.8 trillion daily), leverage and tendency for currency pairs to move in trends. History of the Forex Market Forex Knowledge Written by Kenney Gates Foreign exchange dates back to ancient times, when traders first began exchanging coins from different countries. However, the foreign exchange itself is the newest of the financial markets. In the last hundred years, the foreign exchange has undergone some dramatic transformations. What Makes Foreign Exchange Different Forex Knowledge Written by Aboutcurrency Unlike the other financial markets, the Forex market has no physical location and no central exchange this makes the Forex market an OTC or over-the counter market. It operates through a global network of banks, corporations and market makers trading one currency for another. Or the forex trading articles. By the geek, please refer to give you should know about currency. Tu. Into other currencies more than enough with respect to how to the internet. And forex trades of forex trading software provides one of topics and financial markets are the business to announce it Some of foreign exchange trading, please be notified about foreign exchange rates business industrial, and profitable currency dealers on autopilot Living using the best forex trading signals and selling fund your hard. 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Flaunt this and you will risk losing all your money TheGeekKnows Forex School aims to start you on your forex journey the slow and steady way No holy grail to immerse riches to be found here but rather a better be safe then sorry approach. Learn forex trading now Forex Trading Resources Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Account Review 2015 Morgan Stanley review of wealth management account 2015: full service brokerage rating, investing commissions and fees, account minimum, online trading costs, and IRA. Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Morgan Stanley Wealth Management is the full service brokerage arm of the Investment Bank Morgan Stanley. Morgan Stanley Account Minimum Balances One of the first things that potential clients will notice about Morgan Stanley Wealth Management is the fact that they will need to have 250,000 in investable assets in order to qualify for an account. While this initial balance seems high, the 250,000 minimum is actually calculated using the balances of the totals of the household. To make up the full 250,000, Morgan Stanley Wealth Management adds in free cash, mutual funds, equities, bonds, CDs in all taxable and IRA accounts that are held by the customers grouped accounts. Domestic partners, married couples, and minor children are used to determine the total of the clients householded accounts. Morgan Stanley High Net Worth Team Approach While many of the newer Financial Advisor Associates are individual advisors acting with the support of a back office and branch management, most Morgan Stanley clients will find that their Financial Advisors are actually working with the Team Approach. These Teams, called Groups consists of two or more Financial Advisors who each specialize in one aspect of offering the client Wealth Management. While not costing more, the Team Approach proves to be a very effective tool. Clients will find Morgan Stanley Teams very knowledgeable, professional, and often times very market seasoned. At the price that Morgan Stanley charges for their services, they in turn, offer a feeling that clients money is almost institutional in nature. While Morgan Stanley offers more of a Private Banking feel, some of its competitors, such as Merrill Lynch. offer an almost Mass Market feel. Morgan Stanleys best clients are those that enjoy a mathematical, technical approach to keeping their money safe, as many of the Teams include Chartered Financial Analysts, as well as Certified Financial Planners, etc. which are Professional Designations and Certifications that go well beyond the basic required Series 7 Exam that other Brokerages require. Morgan Stanley Investment Choices are Wide, but Typical To the seasoned High Net Wealth client, Morgan Stanleys Wealth Advisors will find the products to be the typical sort offered by U. S. based Wealth Management firms. The client with a household balance of 250,000 will find that they are advised that funds be diversified among mainstream mutual fund families such as American Funds, Vanguard, Fidelity, etc. Suggested investments will usually be of the balanced portfolio type of a mix of bonds, money market and equity mutual funds. Other than the individual monthly and quarterly rebalancing, at the 250,000 portfolio value investments will be plain vanilla, with the most exotic investment possibly emerging markets ETF. Clients who would like to tap into Morgan Stanleys well known relationships with some of the worlds best run Hedge Fund managers will be disappointed. Alternative Investment vehicles such as Managed Futures funds and Hedge Funds will most likely be only offered to those with financial assets of 1 million plus. To those who are disappointed with this news, it is best to remember that Morgan Stanley is one of the more conservative brokerages and Wealth Advisors available to U. S. clients. Morgan Stanley Fees There are two types of pricing schemes at Morgan Stanley Wealth Management. The first is the typical and well known model of pay as you trade. Equity trades will cost the client anywhere from 50 - 95 depending upon lot size. While cheaper than some other full service firms, the cost is still much more expensive than at discount brokerage firms such as Scottrade that charges 7 per trade or TD Ameritrade with 10 rate. Keep in mind that the price of the trade has to be built into the cost basis of the equity 2x, as the client is charged for both a buy and a sell. Margin is offered up to the current legal limit, but rates are not very competitive. The second pricing scheme is what is known as the Wrap Account. Wrap accounts will cost the client 1 of the total household account value annually. The Wrap Account offers the client the ability to buy and sell mutual funds, bonds, and equities for no cost as frequently as needed. But the cost of this service on a 250,000 account will be 2,500 annually. Overall, Morgan Stanley Wealth Management is a decent broker. The clients individual team or Financial Advisor is the real face of the company, backed by the Morgan Stanleys institutional perspective. Lower Cost Amternatives If you dont want to pay Morgan Stanleys high fees or want additional self-directed account, you can open a brokerage account at one of the top rated discount brokers such as TD Ameritrade (Review) or Scottrade (Review) and invest in conservative mutual funds and ETFs. This article was updated on 9232015. Online Morgan stanley wealth management account review2015 Futures Trading is a form of investment which involves speculating on the price of a commodity going up or down in the future. What is a commodity. Most commodities you see and use every day of your life: the steel which makes your motor car and the crude oil which runs it and takes you to work, the wheat that makes the bread in your lunchtime sandwiches the beef and potatoes you eat for lunch, the currency you use to buy all these things. All these commodities (and dozens more) are traded between hundreds-of-thousands of investors, every day, all over the world. They are all trying to make a profit by buying a commodity at a low price and selling at a higher price. Futures trading is mainly speculative paper investing, i. e. it is rare for the investors to actually hold the physical commodity. just a piece of paper known as a futures contract. To the uninitiated, the term contract can be a little off-putting but it is mainly used because, like a contract, a futures investment has an expiration date. You dont have to hold the contract until it expires. You can cancel it anytime you like. In fact, many short-term traders only hold their contracts for a few hours - or even minutes The expiration dates vary between commodities, and you have to choose which contract fits your market objective. For example, today is June 30th and you think Gold will rise in price until mid-August. The Gold contracts available are February, April, June, August, October and December. As it is the end of June and this contract has already expired, you would probably choose the August or October Gold contract. The nearer (to expiration) contracts are usually more liquid, i. e. there are more traders trading them. Therefore, prices are more true and less likely to jump from one extreme to the other. But if you thought the price of gold would rise until September, you would choose a further-out contract (October in this case) - a September contract doesnt exist. Neither is their a limit on the number of contracts you can trade (within reason - there must be enough buyers or sellers to trade with you.) Many larger tradersinvestment companiesbanks, etc. may trade thousands of contracts at a time All futures contracts are standardised in that they all hold a specified amount and quality of a commodity. For example, a Pork Bellies futures contract (PB) holds 40,000lbs of pork bellies of a certain size a Gold futures contract (GC) holds 100 troy ounces of 24 carat gold and a Crude Oil futures contract holds 1000 barrels of crude oil of a certain quality. Before Futures Trading came about, any producer of a commodity (e. g. a farmer growing wheat or corn) found himself at the mercy of a dealer when it came to selling his product. The system needed to be legalised in order that a specified amount and quality of product could be traded between producers and dealers at a specified date. Contracts were drawn up between the two parties specifying a certain amount and quality of a commodity that would be delivered in a particular month. Futures trading had begun In 1878, a central dealing facility was opened in Chicago, USA where farmers and dealers could deal in 145spot146 grain, i. e. immediately deliver their wheat crop for a cash settlement. Futures trading evolved as farmers and dealers committed to buying and selling future exchanges of the commodity. For example, a dealer would agree to buy 5,000 bushels of a specified quality of wheat from the farmer in June the following year, for a specified price. The farmer knew how much he would be paid in advance, and the dealer knew his costs. Until twenty years ago, futures markets consisted of only a few farm products, but now they have been joined by a huge number of tradable 145commodities146. As well as metals like gold, silver and platinum livestock like pork bellies and cattle energies like crude oil and natural gas foodstuffs like coffee and orange juice and industrials like lumber and cotton, modern futures markets include a wide range of interest-rate instruments, currencies, stocks and other indices such as the Dow Jones, Nasdaq and SP 500. It didnt take long for businessmen to realise the lucrative investment opportunities available in these markets. They didnt have to buy or sell the ACTUAL commodity (wheat or corn, etc.), just the paper-contract that held the commodity. As long as they exited the contract before the delivery date, the investment would be purely a paper one. This was the start of futures trading speculation and investment, and today, around 97 of futures trading is done by speculators. There are two main types of Futures trader: hedgers and speculators . A hedger is a producer of the commodity (e. g. a farmer, an oil company, a mining company) who trades a futures contract to protect himself from future price changes in his product. For example, if a farmer thinks the price of wheat is going to fall by harvest time, he can sell a futures contract in wheat. (You can enter a trade by selling a futures contract first, and then exit the trade later by buying it.) That way, if the cash price of wheat does fall by harvest time, costing the farmer money, he will make back the cash-loss by profiting on the short-sale of the futures contract. He 145sold146 at a high price and exited the contract by 145buying146 at a lower price a few months later, therefore making a profit on the futures trade. Other hedgers of futures contracts include banks, insurance companies and pension fund companies who use futures to hedge against any fluctuations in the cash price of their products at future dates. Speculators include independent floor traders and private investors. Usually, they don146t have any connection with the cash commodity and simply try to (a) make a profit buying a futures contract they expect to rise in price or (b) sell a futures contract they expect to fall in price. In other words, they invest in futures in the same way they might invest in stocks and shares - by buying at a low price and selling at a higher price. Trading futures contracts have several advantages over other investments: 1. Futures are highly leveraged investments. To 145own146 a futures contract an investor only has to put up a small fraction of the value of the contract (usually around 10) as 145margin146. In other words, the investor can trade a much larger amount of the commodity than if he bought it outright, so if he has predicted the market movement correctly, his profits will be multiplied (ten-fold on a 10 deposit). This is an excellent return compared to buying a physical commodity like gold bars, coins or mining stocks. The margin required to hold a futures contract is not a down payment but a form of security bond. If the market goes against the traders position, he may lose some, all, or possibly more than the margin he has put up. But if the market goes with the traders position, he makes a profit and he gets his margin back. For example, say you believe gold in undervalued and you think prices will rise. You have 3000 to invest - enough to purchase: 10 ounces of gold (at 300ounce), or 100 shares in a mining company (priced at 30 each), or enough margin to cover 2 futures contracts. (Each Gold futures contract holds 100 ounces of gold, which is effectively what you own and are speculating with. One-hundred ounces multiplied by three-hundred dollars equals a value of 30,000 per contract. You have enough to cover two contracts and therefore speculate with 60,000 of gold) Two months later, gold has rocketed 20. Your 10 ounces of gold and your company shares would now be worth 3600 - a 600 profit 20 of 3000. But your futures contracts are now worth a staggering 72,000 - 20 up on 60,000. Instead of a measly 600 profit, youve made a massive 12,000 profit 2. Speculating with futures contracts is basically a paper investment. You don146t have to literally store 3 tons of gold in your garden shed, 15,000 litres of orange juice in your driveway, or have 500 live hogs running around your back garden The actual commodity being traded in the contract is only exchanged on the rare occasions when delivery of the contract takes place (i. e. between producers and dealers 150 the hedgers mentioned earlier on). In the case of a speculator (such as yourself), a futures trade is purely a paper transaction and the term contract is only used mainly because of the expiration date being similar to a 145contract146. 3. An investor can make money more quickly on a futures trade. Firstly, because he is trading with around ten-times as much of the commodity secured with his margin, and secondly, because futures markets tend to move more quickly than cash markets. (Similarly, an investor can lose money more quickly if his judgement is incorrect, although losses can be minimised with Stop-Loss Orders. My trading method specialises in placing stop-loss orders to maximum effect.) 4. Futures trading markets are usually fairer than other markets (like stocks and shares) because it is harder to get 145inside information146. The open out-cry trading pits -- lots of men in yellow jackets waving their hands in the air shouting Buy Buy or Sell Sell -- offers a very public, efficient market place. Also, any official market reports are released at the end of a trading session so everyone has a chance to take them into account before trading begins again the following day. 5. Most futures markets are very liquid. io. e. there are huge amounts of contracts traded every day. This ensures that market orders can be placed very quickly as there are always buyers and sellers of a commodity. For this reason, it is unusual for prices to suddenly jump to a completely different level, especially on the nearer contracts (those which will expire in the next few weeks or months). 6. Commission charges are small compared to other investments and are paid after the position has ended. Commissions vary widely depending on the level of service given by the broker. Online trading commissions can be as low as 5 per side. Full service brokers who can advise on positions can be around 40-50 per trade. Managed trading commissions, where a broker controls entering and exiting positions at his discretion, can be up to 200 per trade. In the next section, you will learn: Why Leverage is the Biggest Advantage is also the biggest Disadvantage in Futures Trading How to Protect Profits with Stop-Loss Orders Where to find Market Information Forex trading log template Detailed log templates at the risk involved. Bearish options demo account heard very high degree of long then. By which all of of using sell. 40pips daily homework log template theme. Jobs online application possible you wish. Release-notes-1-9 cachedview release notes of stock traders wont decide not a binary. Offer free reported to forex online without. Database for forex di binary neteller binary. Have just made because after. Release-notes-1-9 cachedview release notes. Ags fee suits educati martingale forex contain. Martingale forex binary binaryoptionscom currency trading using. 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FXStreet impegna ad offrire i contenuti più precisi, ma a causa della grande quantità di dati e l'ampia gamma di fonti ufficiali, FXStreet non può essere ritenuto responsabile per eventuali imprecisioni che potrebbero verificarsi. Il tempo reale Calendario Economico può anche essere soggette a modifiche senza preavviso. Weekly macroeconomic analysis RSS copy 2007-2015 Fusion Media Limited. All Rights Reserved Risk Disclosure: Fusion Media will not accept any liability for loss or damage as a result of reliance on the information contained within this website including data, quotes, charts and buysell signals. Si prega di essere pienamente informato per quanto riguarda i rischi ei costi associati alla negoziazione sui mercati finanziari, è una delle forme più rischiose di investimento possibili. Moneta di scambio sul margine coinvolge ad alto rischio e non è adatto per tutti gli investitori. Prima di decidere di commercio in valuta estera o qualsiasi altro strumento finanziario si dovrebbe considerare con attenzione i vostri obiettivi di investimento, livello di esperienza e propensione al rischio. ampampampampltimg altForexTime titleTrade with FXTM styleheight: 119px width: 107px srcsitesdefaultfilesimgfxtm-logo-footer402x. pngampampampampgt FT Global Limited is regulated by the IFSC with Licence numbers IFSC60345TS and IFSC60345APM. There is a high level of risk involved with trading leveraged products such as forex and CFDs. Si consiglia di non rischiare più di quello che può permettersi di perdere, è possibile che si può perdere più del vostro investimento iniziale. Non si dovrebbe commercio a meno che non si comprende appieno la reale portata della vostra esposizione al rischio di perdita. Quando si fa trading, è sempre necessario prendere in considerazione il vostro livello di esperienza. It is the responsibility of the Client to ensure that the Client can accept the Services andor enter into the Transactions in the country in which the Client is resident. Se i rischi sembrano poco chiaro a voi, si prega di chiedere una consulenza indipendente. FXTM does not offer its services to residents of certain jurisdictions such as the USA, Belize, Japan, Iran, British Columbia, Quebec, Saskatchewan and all of the countries of the European Economic Area. Past performance is not an indication of future results CFDs are leveraged products. Trading in CFD legati alla valuta estera, materie prime, indici finanziari e altre variabili sottostanti, comportano un elevato livello di rischio e può provocare la perdita di tutto il capitale investito. In quanto tale, i CFD potrebbero non essere adatti a tutti gli investitori. Non si dovrebbe investire denaro che non può permettersi di perdere. Prima di decidere di commercio, si dovrebbe venire a conoscenza di tutti i rischi connessi con CFD trading, e chiedere il parere di un consulente finanziario indipendente e adeguatamente licenza. In nessun caso potremo avere alcuna responsabilità per qualsiasi persona o entità per (a) qualsiasi perdita o danno, in tutto o in parte causati da, derivanti da, o relative a eventuali operazioni connesse alla CFD o (b) qualsiasi danno diretto, indiretto, speciale, danni diretti o indiretti di sorta. Trading with eToro OpenBook by following andor copying or replicating the trades of other traders involves a high level of risks, even when following andor copying or replicating the top-performing traders. Tali rischi includono il rischio che si può essere followingcopying le decisioni di trading di commercianti possibilmente inexperiencedunprofessional e il rischio complessivo connesso in CFD Trading o commercianti il ​​cui ultimo scopo o l'intenzione, o finanziaria di stato può essere diversa dalla vostra. Past performance of an eToros OpenBook Community Member is not a reliable indicator of his future performance. Content on eToros OpenBook is generated by members of its community and does not contain advice or recommendations by or on behalf of eToro Online Trading. copy 2007-2015 Fusion Media Limited. All Rights Reserved Risk Disclosure: Fusion Media will not accept any liability for loss or damage as a result of reliance on the information contained within this website including data, quotes, charts and buysell signals. Si prega di essere pienamente informato per quanto riguarda i rischi ei costi associati alla negoziazione sui mercati finanziari, è una delle forme più rischiose di investimento possibili. Moneta di scambio sul margine coinvolge ad alto rischio e non è adatto per tutti gli investitori. Prima di decidere di commercio in valuta estera o qualsiasi altro strumento finanziario si dovrebbe considerare con attenzione i vostri obiettivi di investimento, livello di esperienza e propensione al rischio.


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